Naomi Hewitt
I’ve always loved photography, and loved taking pictures in my spare time. It wasn’t until I had my daughter though that I realized just how fleeting and precious moments can be. I can’t count how many times I’ve looked through pictures from years ago and been able to relive the memory and emotions that were captured. I feel blessed that I am hopefully able to provide those same moments for my clients.
I enjoy all types of photography, but there is one that I am especially passionate about; newborns. There is nothing more fleeting like those first few weeks of life. I know all too well how easy it can be to forget all those special moments when mixed with endless diapers and sleepless nights. For that reason, I feel personally responsible to capture as many memories as I can with each session and go the extra mile to freeze those moments in time.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above..."
- James 1:17
Visalia — California

I have two precious kiddos. Emily has been my little muse since she was born, inspiring me to get into photography. Timothy was my first newborn to photograph. Those little chubby cheeks! But boy was he a stinker, he's lucky he was so cute! -xoxo
My main squeeze
Bella girl (furbaby)
(and my IT guy)
E + T
Married to this wonderful man who has supported me from the start. I couldn't run this thing without him. My bestie for life and partner in everything.
How did I get so lucky?